Friday, June 13, 2008

Just photos

My beautiful drive to Homer back in the beginning of May... the calmest I've ever seen the ocean

View from out house in Homer

Bill's prized kill hanging out in the basement where I stayed in Anchorage

one of a million people who took this similar photo in Seward, AK

The last hike I got in before my stupid accident

My life at the beginning of my Healy adventure

I still managed to get around

A not as gruesome photo of my foot... I'll spare you the very tragic looking ones. This may be offensive enough to some.

a bus ride in this tiny park called Denali National Park, ran into some caribou that leisurely enjoyed some road crossing

cute little baby owls

Came across these antlers on display... two bull moose went at it over a lady and killed each other, their antlers got locked together and they died probably thinking "damn, that hurt and I didn't even get to procreate"

If you look close enough you'll notice part of the antler of one of the moose went through the eye socket of the other moose. The moose who's eye got taken out's antler went through it's enemy's cheek.

I didn't have to steal this one from the internet.

Oh these were just left on the road for us tourist folk to play with